I want to post pictures from the first night of Chanukah, but my laptop died and we haven't been able to replace the hard drive yet. For now, I'm using a computer set up on the bar in the kitchen that has no card reader for my pictures. I could go dig the usb cable out of the closet and retrieve the pictures that way, but that's more trouble than I want to go to for now. So, I am posting a boring blog without any pictures.
We went to mom's house last night along with my sister and her two boys, my brother and his wife and two kids, and Pete's niece Emily. Due to mom's recent surgery and recovery, we wanted to keep everything as low key as possible. We ordered pizzas, Janine made some delicious latkes, and we had some jelly donuts. The kids had a wonderful time seeing their cousins again and playing with the Little People Chanukah set. I really had a good time watching the kids play so well together. I also made each of the kids some Chanukah pajamas and they all looked super cute. The girls each had a sleeping bag and slept on the floor in mom's room. Ethan and I played a good game of dreidel (I lost). After Zee went to sleep, Ethan and Blake came back to my house to spend the night. We had a great time playing card games and Rock Band until 3 am.
Anyway, a good time was had by all of us. For tonight, the second night, it was just the four of us here at home. We lit our candles and said the blessings. The girls are looking forward to a good week filled with plenty of fun and lots of activities (and a few gifts).
Mario Bros Birthday Party
2 days ago
I had such a wonderful time. I treasure the memories! Love Ya! Mom